LET’S INCLUDE is a partnership made up of 4 organisations from 4 EU countries: Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria and Poland. The partners intended to realise a format of a one-day “Sport for Disability” Tournament designed for sport clubs at grassroots level, schools, NGOs and local communities in order to promote, foster and raise-awareness about the inclusion of disabled persons in and through sport.
The project partners used the Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology. In ETS, sport elements are educational vehicles for improving social competences, soft skills and learning skills used to educate to participation of disabled persons. The tournament included both disabled and able-bodied young people helping to overcome communication barriers and increase mutual understanding.
The Communication of the Commission called European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (2010) has set the objective of overcoming barriers to access of disabled people in cultural, recreational and sport activities in order to enhance their participation in society. That should be achieved improving the accessibility of, among others, sports organisations, events and venues, promoting the participation to sport events and the organisation of disability-specific ones. Furthermore, “promoting the participation of people with disabilities in sports” was one of the key actions of the Commission Staff Working Document (2010) of the abovementioned Communication.